Day 18 – #AprilBlogADay – Elevating

What small steps are you willing to take to elevate the profession?

I guess the major small step I can–and do–take is to be a role model to those around me. I try to model what I believe a passionate, hard-working teacher is. That’s easy really. We are what we are, and so people will look at how we act and speak about the profession. In my actions and conversations, I show my pride and joy in being a teacher.

Another way I can elevate the profession is by learning more and encouraging others to, as well. I love to learn, and I challenge myself to learn. Presently, I have two new teaching language learners courses I’ve signed up for. (Actually, I knew about them, and I was planning to sign up, so I just took a break from this blog post and signed up officially.) One of the classes starts tomorrow, and it’s free. Not too late to join if you’re interested. It’s Understanding Language by University of Southampton.