Day 21 – We Must Stop Pretending

This is a combo post. I couldn’t relate to the #AprilBlogADay topic today, so I am finishing up my 5 Ugly Falsehoods About Education, which I hope can be removed from my classroom.  And classrooms around the world, for that matter.

When it comes to education, we must stop pretending…

  1. That the teacher is the most important person in the room.
  2. That children should keep quiet, listen and sit still.
  3. That children will work harder for external rewards, than for the intrinsic value of learning what is important to them.
  4. That children who are obedient  and compliant are somehow better than the rebels.
  5. That a numerical grade is the best way to report the learning of a child.

Thanks for the inspiration from Scott McLeod, who started this challenge to #MakeSchoolDifferent, and from Joy Kirr, who tagged me.