Chief Learner

 I used to teach my students,

But now, as chief learner in my classroom, we create learning together.

I used to use technology to enhance student learning,

But now I empower geniuses to use technology to connect, create, contribute, and collaborate.

I once was the teacher up front,

But now I sit in a student desk elbow-to-elbow with learners.

If I could I would give the gift of lifelong learning to every child.

I would always be patient and guide them to their passions.

I will not quit my quest to inspire and empower them,

But I need them to keep inspiring and empowering me as well.

I’m not always successful,

But I do love them and will keep telling them they are geniuses until they believe it.

I won’t give up,

But I get discouraged when students can’t seem to unlearn the old ways.

I used to teach my students,

But now I am the chief learner in my classroom.

~Denise Krebs

August, 2012. It’s been a busy month.

Early in the month, I had a week of relaxing vacation where all I did was read and hike. Then I came back to a classroom needing attention. Now, I’ve just finished my first full week of a new school year.

It’s also Connected Educator Month, where I have had three awesome experiences!

It’s been a great month! I wrote the poem above because I was inspired by my connections. Thank you, PLN!

Extending the Conversation During Connected Educator Month

Original image by Sheri Edwards teach.eagle

Today, as part of Connected Educator’s Month, Sheri Edwards and I led a webinar called “Extend the Conversation.”

It was invigorating and empowering to share our story of how we journeyed to become connected educators. Sheri and I extended our conversation by learning lots of new things in the last couple of weeks as we prepared and presented. I love being a connected educator!

We had a small group in attendance, but the webinar was taped and archived on Vimeo. Here are some links if you’d like to check it out.

P2PU – Peer to Peer University, who hosted our webinar. Thanks to Karen (@kfasimpaur)

Extend the Conversation Chat Archive

Extend the Conversation website

Extend the Conversation on Vimeo