For the past year, Angela Maiers has been a transformative influence in my teaching. She is a passionate 21st century literacy education leader and visionary.
In one year, my teaching has experienced a thorough metamorphosis, starting with colleagues Mary and Brenda going to ITEC10 and telling me all about what they learned. A few months later I went to a conference led by Angela, and she has sealed the deal. I’ll never be the same.
I just read an article by Julia Steiny on the Standing with the Kids blog (Love her tagline: Education is intellectual parenting, or it should be.)
Anyway, in the article, “Most Kids Way Ahead of Us as Digital Learners, for Better and Worse,” the second in a series of interviews with Angela, Julia and Angela say so eloquently what I believe so passionately. Simply: adults need to be out in the digital Wild West with our children, learning with them and protecting them from dangers. (See the first article here.)
Bonus: My mentor Angela mentioned my genius students & me in her interview.
Thanks, Julia, for a great article.
Thanks, Angela! You matter in my life!
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