Day 11 – #AprilBlogADay – Reading

What are you reading, either professionally or personally? Why?
If you aren’t reading, why not?

Ah, today I like that third question. When I’m not reading, I like to be reminded of it. I like to be asked that question. It reminds me that a book is the ax for the frozen sea within me. (F. Kafka)

Those times when I need it most are the times I stop reading. Most often, I blame my busy schedule.

Despite the busyness, though, I try to take a bit of time most days to read the Bible because I love Jesus and want to know God better. And there is no better ax.

Despite the busyness, I am reading kindergarten books because I spend my day with kindergarteners who love to hear stories and are learning to read decodable books.

However, in addition to those books that I am reading, I need to add others. I need a book that makes me think, challenging me and my small visions. I need a book that makes me cry, laugh, get-away-from-it-all, or hone my craft as a teacher. I want to do all the reading!

I’m glad you asked, #AprilBlogADay, because I love when I have a book I can’t put down. Now, I’m going to find a book and read it!

4 thoughts on “Day 11 – #AprilBlogADay – Reading

  1. I am currently reading Pure Genius by Don Wettrick for a CCU class I’m taking, and the play Fences by August Wilson to prepare a unit for my senior English classes. I read through most of your Blog-a-Day posts and hopefully will be inspired to write something on my long-neglected blog.

  2. Kathy,
    Thanks for visiting and commenting. I’m humbled you read my April posts, but at least that might inspire you since they are simple and quickly penned. I have enjoyed the topics that Chris Crouch posts here.

    I would like to read Pure Genius, but I haven’t yet. Hopefully the play is interesting for you and your seniors!

    Thanks, again,

  3. I am currently reading “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio. I teach fourth grade and we share what we are reading every day. They love telling about their stories, and hearing about what I am reading as well!

    Finding time to fit in reading with a packed schedule is always a challenge, keep at it!

    1. Nathan, thank you for visiting. Wonder was one of those tear-jerking, feel-good books. I love it. Will you read it to your class?


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