Day 8 Slice of Life – Problem Solving

Today was our first day back at school. It was so great to be together. It’s so important to have face-to-face time to figure out kinks in programs that are new for all of us with this virtual learning initiative. My day of grading online assignments, meetings, and learning new skills was sandwiched between trouble-shooting sessions.

This morning started with some teachers needing to learn to share their Google Docs so parents can view them. Some came into school this morning to a long lists of emails from parents requesting access to the Google Docs the teachers thought they shared the night before.

Tonight I was on the phone with someone, making a screencast of how to create an assignment in our school program. Same thing–parents sent lots of emails. “Where is your assignment to upload my work to the E-Locker?

We got it done, and now I’m going to bed.


One thought on “Day 8 Slice of Life – Problem Solving

  1. Hi Denise

    I’m testing adding a comment to see what is happening.


    Sue Waters
    Head of Sales & Support
    Edublogs | CampusPress

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