An Ovillejo Poem About the Pandemic

Today I wrote an Ovillejo poem about the pandemic, as our numbers here is Bahrain are skyrocketing and strict new bans and lockdowns began this weekend.

Case numbers have escalated
Hope deflated
Businesses and malls are all closed
So exposed
Vaccination sites ramping up
Don’t let up
Immunity rate speeding up
Battling new variants, a quest
From the hands of cold death to wrest
Hope deflated, so exposed. Don’t let up!

4 thoughts on “An Ovillejo Poem About the Pandemic

  1. Oh, I’m so sorry about the skyrocketing numbers. Don’t let up, indeed, and hang onto hope.

  2. I am skeptical of all the opening up we have here, and reading this I am deflated as well. I don’t blame you. It’s disheartening. Hang in there!

    1. Thank you, Margaret. I do worry about those who are not vaccinated in the United States because surely this variant will spread there too. Our numbers have gone up ten times as much as last year. It does seem the vaccine is working against the severest cases and deaths.

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