Week 5 – 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge

This post is week 5 of 8 in the #8WeeksofSummer Blog Challenge for educators. The prompt today is “Describe what improved or challenged communication this year.”

I feel communication was challenged by pandemic living much more than it was improved. I live in a country where there are many languages spoken. Then to bring everyone together, either English or Arabic are used. Lots of different pronunciations and ability levels can make communication a challenge.

Communication is enhanced when we speak in person. When you can look someone in the face without a mask and speak to them, it really helps. When they (or I) see a blank look, they (or I) can try again, speaking more slowly or finding different vocabulary. When the pandemic started, we weren’t able to be together. Even when we do have face-to-face time to communicate, the masks are still there bringing barriers to communication.

But communication still happens with recorded voice messages or written text messages, mostly on WhatsApp.  And lots of emails.

However, there may be one area where communication was improved. Quick collaborative or clarifying meetings were so easy to have on Zoom. (I mentioned this in the collaboration reflection during Week 2 of the #8WeeksofSummer.) We have had many of these quick Zoom meetings over the last year.

2 thoughts on “Week 5 – 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge

  1. Hey Denise, I really liked the trend of Zoom meetings this year. As the pandemic year progressed it seemed as if teachers trended toward a higher percentage of small group over the whole group sessions. Also, I noted a higher percentage of impromptu versus scheduled. THat felt more like the classroom and I noted the difference.

    1. Yes, that may have been an improvement on trying to get people together for those impromptu meetings. Now, with the click of a link, we can join in wherever we are. Thank you, Penny, for your prompts and your regular visits to all the writers this summer.

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