March #SOL22 Day 23 – Glad My Car Was Still There

Day 23 of March #SOL22

This morning I had a first. I had to run to Home Depot to get some gloves for painting. My brother and sister-in-law were coming to help. (Praise God!) So, I was in a bit of a hurry. I got to the store and went in. I don’t remember a bell ringing as I left the car, but I’m guessing it was.

I went into the store. I picked up the box of gloves and a couple paint roller trays, paid a the self-checkout counter, and went back to my car. For some reason, the door was unlocked. I got inside and realized it was already running. I had forgotten to turn off the car when I went into the store. It won’t lock when it’s running, and it gives a warning, but I must have unconsciously ignored it. It is such a quiet car; when it’s idling it uses the battery only. (We bought a hybrid RAV4 when we moved back to the U.S. in January.) I’m glad no car thieves were present this morning!

The painting went well. With all four of us busy, we finished the main painting job. Now, just some details to do over the next couple of days.


2 thoughts on “March #SOL22 Day 23 – Glad My Car Was Still There

  1. Denise, you had divine intervention w/ the car. Perhaps you need a mental routine to help and need to slow down a little. Good job w/ the painting. It’s a big relief to have that task behind you, I’m sure.

  2. I’m glad your car was there too! I have done this several times with my Subaru! UGH!! And the painting looks great!

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