Time Well-Spent

My one little word painting and my first entry for #100DaysofNotebooking

My one word for 2020 is TIME. Though I can’t buy it, own it or keep it, I can spend time well. That’s my intention in 2020 and beyond.

This year I am giving up on time-sucking activities and going for activities that offer a more valuable contribution to myself and the world. Here are a few things I’ll be doing.

  1. Finish my TESOL certificate
  2. Build relationships with people
  3. Build leaders at school and church
  4. Find or create ways to bring justice, and use my time doing so
  5. Read and write about what I’m learning spiritually
  6. Read 40 or more books
  7. Do occasional writing challenges, like the #100DaysofNotebooking challenge that’s going on right now on Twitter
  8. Take a 1-second video every day (App: 1 Second Everyday)
  9. Solve the NYT daily mini puzzle (It takes just two minutes and then I have to wait until the next day!)
My 2020 journal