I am having so much fun taking a photo a day. When I wake up in the morning, I’m full of wonder about what the day has in store for my camera and me. I have never done anything like this before, so it’s great fun! Another perk in this project: I am learning to use Flickr. What a great program! The slower pace of summer is allowing me to learn all the ins and outs, so I can be a better curator of my photos.
Thanks to a discussion between Paula (@plnaugle), Mary (@scitechyedu) and Barbara (@BarbaraDay), I was able to join other teachers in a mini version of the 365Project. In this shorter challenge, we are taking a picture a day for June, July and August, Twitter hashtag #JJAProject. Read more about it at Welcome to the #JJAProject. It’s not too late to join in the fun. Grab your camera and start today!
Special thanks to Sheri (@grammasheri) for inviting me to participate! And now, before further hyperlink abuse, I will leave you with a few of my first photos! Thanks for viewing!
You are inspiring to me as a member of the #JJAProect. I am so glad that Sheri convinced you to join us. Participating in this project will probably make me upgrade to the pro version Flickr account, but for under $30 a year, I think it will be well worth it.
I am enjoying the members’ different perspective on the daily photos and am getting ideas that I might possibly try with my students next year. I agree that the pressure is off during our summer vacation so I feel that I can complete the project.
Thanks for writing this post and for joining us.
Yes, I thought the same thing about a Flickr account! Looking forward to continuing to learn what it can do for us, personally and in the classroom. Thanks for moderating the project, Paula.
Mrs. Krebs,
Can I just take time and truly thank you for your enthusiasm. I’m currently returning to college to learn how to maneuver around the 21st century classroom. (I originally graduated in 1992; check out my story.) Most always I’m amazed, and occasionally completely overwhelmed. Thank you for all you do and for being inspirational to people like me.
Keep making beautiful pictures….