A Request to My PLN

How have you benefited from joining the conversation?

Dear friends,

Will you please help me? I will be leading a session at the Iowa Reading Conference next month. It is called “Joining the Conversation.” It will be a session to challenge teachers who have not yet joined the conversation occurring daily online through blogging, Twitter, and/or Flicker.

I am curious about what you have found personally valuable about joining the online educational conversation. I’d love to share your stories with the people who come to my session. Here is my “handout,” a work in progress.

In the past year or so, my joining this conversation has brought me great joy as I have received progressive PD opportunities, amiable friendships, and a renewed sense of calling. (The conversation that I joined has also provided outstanding learning opportunities for my students. However, most of this workshop will focus on the teacher’s involvement in the conversation.)

What benefits have you received from joining the conversation?

I’ve made a Linoit to which you can add your experiences through sticky notes, images, files, or links to blog posts and videos.

I’ve placed a separate topic in each corner of the Linoit, so you can tell us how one or more of the following have helped you join the conversation: blogging, Twitter, or Flickr. There is also a corner about the benefits your students have received as a result of your connections.

Thank you so much! I hope you can help. Just click on the image below and add a bit of your story!


Denise Krebs

Click to add your thoughts.

8 thoughts on “A Request to My PLN

  1. Denise! You amaze me! Your presentation is brilliant — all the important ideas and resources. I love your “Where are you…conversation” scale — and the links to the “no” response. I love that you show them small steps and the results. I believe you will inspire your audience to dip their toes in a little further! Thanks for inviting us, your PLN friends, to learn with you again!


    1. Oh, thank you, Sheri! I appreciate the vote of confidence, and thank you, too, for all the nice sticky notes you added to the Linoit. If you have any suggestions for the presentation, I’ll take them! I wish you could be there. Someday we’ll go to the same conference and have lunch together, shall we?


  2. Yes, a conference. lunch. And plenty of great conversation. If I think of anything on your presentation, I’ll let you know, but you’ve really presented it politely, yet to the point.

  3. Hi Denise!

    What a fantastic presentation!
    Hugh and I are doing something similar at our school district’s pro d convention on Friday! Love that we are always on the same page đŸ™‚

    Your slideshow looks amazing! I especially like the “where are you right now?” page. May I borrow it? I’d love to ask the same question of my pro d participants on Friday!

    I posted the following on your Linoit page (which I also LOVE–you inspire me so much, Denise!):

    I LOVE twitter! It has been a huge part of my growth as a teacher. Being able to connect with passionate teachers from around the world and share ideas, lessons and advice is invaluable! This past school year has been my best year yet (as a teacher) and I attribute a lot of my growth to my PLN on twitter (and Denise đŸ˜€ )


    1. Gallit,
      I would have you gladly use anything from my presentation you would like to use! You are welcome to it. Thanks for asking. I hope it’s helpful, and I hope your presentation is awesome!

      There is such a wealth of resources to share to show what’s happening, isn’t there? I hope your pro d convention is great. (I don’t know what that means, but perhaps I’ll get to read about it on your blog!)

      Thanks again for being part of my PLN!

  4. Hi Denise!

    I love what you’ve accomplished here in this post, and the message you’ll be bringing to your conference next month. I enjoyed reading through everyones comments on the Linoit, and felt it was very powerful. … I think we should set up another Google+ hangout date/time to see if we can add anything else to help you prepare for your conference, and it would give us an excuse just to say “hi” to one another. đŸ™‚

    Warm regards,

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