29 thoughts on “Chief Learner Practice for #ETMOOC

  1. Denise,
    I love the video and now I know more about you – we have more in common ! I have two daughters too! I still hide behind cameras, and am uncomfortable with the sound of my own voice but you are right, we do ask this of our students, I had better get cracking and model a bit more.
    The benefits of our on-line networks are phenomenal. #ETMOOC is looking like a great opportunity to continue connections and create more.
    Thanks for sharing
    Melbourne Australia

    1. Celia,
      Thank you so much. I’m excited to be connecting with you again. One of the first times I met you was at RSCON. You came to my session on mapping, and I remember your smiling face from Down Under on the participant map.

      Thanks for watching, and for leaving a comment!


  2. Amazing video!
    And Denise, you have a beautiful voice! Loved your narration. Thank you for sharing with us and inspiring us all to keep learning.


    1. Gallit,
      Thank you so much! I do like hearing people’s voices. It really helps us get to know each other. Like our chat the other day has helped me feel like I know and like you better than ever!

      I believe more every day, in a stronger way than I ever have, that our ability to teach children is intricately connected with our willingness to learn and share our learning.

      Thanks for watching and commenting. I’m glad you are doing #etmooc!


  3. Way to go, Denise! Amazing video – you’ve captured the essence of YOU!

    1. Thanks, Kris! I hope to see your essence of YOU video soon!


  4. Hi Denise,
    I really enjoyed the video and I understand where you are coming from. My PLN has been hugely inspiring and energizing and I’m so glad to have you in it.
    I look forward to more from you!

    1. Thanks, Valerie! Same to you. So glad you know you and your genius students at work in BC. I hope I’ll get to meet you in June! And Tia and Gallit and Karen and Robyn and others!


  5. Hi Denise!

    What a great video! I loved learning more about you. I remember when we first connected at the beginning of last year. Thank you for all your inspiration! We need to connect more often. You are so inspiring and really a Chief Learner! Good for you!


    1. Yes, Tia, thank you! I hope you are taking time for YOU this year, as I remember you were planning to do. How are your photos coming this year?


  6. Well done Denise. I loved hearing your voice and seeing your face. I hope to get to my intro video before the course is over. Bad I know. I will get there and when I do I’ll share too. Karen

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you. It is fun getting to see and hear people, as opposed to only reading their text. When we meet someday we will recognize each other!


  7. Glad I met you on #genius hour and then on #etmooc. Your students are lucky to have you as a teacher.

    1. Yes, Judy, I am glad to be part of your PLN. I’ll look forward to following your work on #geniushour and #etmooc too.

      Thanks for reading and responding,

  8. Really loved your video introduction, Denise! It’s inspiring me to move beyond my comfort zone, too (you see, you’re already helping others to learn here in #etmooc!). I’m looking forward to creating my intro later this week. #etmooc is already feeling like a great learning experience — and a growing community. Looking forward to more connections đŸ™‚

    1. Catherine,
      I agree! I’m not sure I ever would have stepped out and made that video except I knew there was a support system out here to help us through it. I’ll look forward to watching your video. (Please be sure to tell me when it’s posted!)


  9. Love the idea of being the chief learner. Some of the best moments in my classroom have been when I tried something new or different in front of my students–sometimes I succeeded; sometimes I failed, but it always inspired both me and the students. I’ve wandered and wavered from that approach lately, and you’ve reminded and encouraged me to get back to being a public learner in my school. Thanks.

    I spent eight years teaching at Unity in Orange City, so I know a little of the emerald paradise you live in. Been too long since I had a decent poffertje. Happy MOOCing!

    1. Scott,
      Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment. Such a small world! You are the second #etmoocer I’ve met who had a connection to the OC!

      Here’s to public learning, Scott!

  10. Thanks, Denise, for showing me about being a chief learner. I’m not an educator, but in a way we all are, I think, so I needed to learn this today!


    1. Thanks, Brian,
      You’re right. I think we are educators in our fields. Being the chief learner in any field helps you to remain vibrant, cutting-edge, and a bit on the humble side. Helps make us more effective, I believe.

      Thanks for coming by,

  11. So excited that I can put a voice and a face to the tweets and the messages! I hope that we get to meet face to face. Thanks for sharing your life with me.


    1. Robyn,
      You are so welcome! Thank you for sharing your sweet third graders’ genius with the world. I look forward to meeting you!


  12. Denise,
    My husband and I watched this video, and he asked, “Are you going to be making one of these?” I chuckled, because after I saw yours, I DID want to make one, and join etmooc, but I made up my mind last month that I wouldn’t jump at this particular chance. I’ve for things I need to do at school, and can’t do anything “extra” again just yet… But I’m excited for you, and know I’ll be learning from all those involved!

    1. Joy and Bob,
      Thanks to both of you for watching my video. I will look forward to your video when your life settles down a bit! It would be fun to see it, as it will be fun for you to make it!

      Thanks again!


  13. Just wondering if you used iMovie, MovieMaker, or Photo Story 3 to create your video, or another tool?

    1. Judy, I used iMovie. Thanks for asking. Do you know how it compares to others? It’s really the only one I know these days. Thanks, Denise

  14. Denise,
    I am so glad we found each other. You are such an important part of my PLN and have helped and inspired me in so many ways. I loved the video and look forward to more.

    1. Thanks, JoAnn,
      I can say ditto to that. You have taught me how to be a visible learner in sharing with vulnerability, and you are a giver by sharing a wealth of resources. I don’t always tell you, but I click on lots of your links because you are a great curator.

      Thanks, friend,

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