Poetry Friday – Musical Musings

Today is Poetry Friday and Tracey is our delightful host who has cooked up a thought-provoking post about inspiration.

My husband is the best playlist creator, and we’ve had a winner for this road trip. Today, as he drove, I pondered some of the sweet tunes I was listening to. I was feeling contemplative about my children, the mistakes I’ve made along the way in this life, and my lifelong commitment to love and hope. I chose lines from two of the songs and wrote this double golden shovel about my thoughts.

I’ll not give up, for I’ll pray and
carry hope for us–Hope of sunny yellow.
You will continue to draw your lines
home whatever that is like, and
tonight may finally be when we all tire.
We will still make our tentative marks.
Are there enough remaining days of sun:
Young– and old-kissed?
So, to be true in our skin
let’s no longer hide ourselves and
set impossible ideals to handle
the pain and fears, the prison bars,
world-wide eternal collisions and
on and on and on where
fire once burned our resolve and I
We came there and firmly stood.
Can there still be hope where fear was?
Burn the clouds to where
Brighter days will surprise us. More I
Than. More you than. Starting was
the culmination of longing, to
sun shining and all of us free to be.

Striking lines:
Lyric from “We Are Young” by Fun: “I’ll carry you home tonight. We are young, so let’s set the world on fire. We can burn brighter than the sun.”
Lyric from “Once Upon Another Time” by Sara Bareilles: “And yellow lines and tire marks, sun-kissed skin and handle bars, and where I stood was where I was to be.”

Now, if you’d like, please  join me for a few moments on this musical road trip. The first song is by Sara Bareilles, “Once Upon Another Time.” I find it so hauntingly beautiful to listen to, and then to watch her sing it at the Kennedy Center, surrounded by all the gentle and mostly quiet musicians is mesmerizing.

The second song was “We are Young” by Fun. (Have you seen this fun scene from the movie Home Team? Harlan and his team mates sing “We are Young” to the girl he likes.)

12 thoughts on “Poetry Friday – Musical Musings

  1. I have never seen a DOUBLE golden shovel, Denise. Bravo! I am curious about the rest of your husband’s playlist now! The Sara Bareilles song was so pure and beautiful. Even through my computer speakers, it was breathtaking. It has been a while since I’ve heard “We Are Young,” and I had never seen the video. Thank you for sharing this poetic and musical extravaganza!

  2. Thanks for inviting us on your road trip! <3

  3. Listening to Sara Bareilles and the words that gave you inspiration for your poem has made my morning. Thanks, Denise.

  4. Wow, double golden shovels look very tricky. You handled it with skill–I extra love

    “Burn the clouds to where
    Brighter days will surprise us.”

    Thanks for taking us along on your road trip playlist, Denise!

  5. Excellent job with the double golden shovel! I like the overall message of the poem, and admire your dexterity in weaving in both lines. Enjoyed the videos too!!

  6. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a double golden shovel. Bravo! Thanks for the musical interlude and for taking us along on your road trip.

  7. Your poem adds another level of complexity to the Golden Shovel form, Denise. You have done some incredible word weaving here. How good is music when we allow the lyrics to linger near our hearts? Your raod has delivered you to a host of destinations it would seem…

  8. A double golden shovel — I’m blown away, Denise! Music is powerful inspiration.

  9. Woah, that’s AMAZING! Wow, wow, wow. Your writing is on fire these days. Write, Ruth, Write!

  10. I am really not sure how you did this! A double golden-shovel? I love both of the songs you chose. The words, however, become yours as you weave them into your own poem. Masterful!

  11. Your poem and music put me in a distant place. What’s better than feeling young and free, though I appreciate it more fully now looking back. Loved the videos, and your double golden shovel was so clever and, I know, not easy. Thanks Denise.

  12. I love your commitment to challenging yourself! You are really building your creative muscles.

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