Slice of Life on our Road Trip

28 May 2024


Newberry Volcanic National Monument

Greetings from Oregon, from where today’s slice is served up. I’m on a road trip with two of my kids on the way to see our other kids. We’re having a blessed and beautiful time.

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California

After visiting a place of wonder, I ask them all to give me words for my next poem. I list them while they brainstorm, and then I use their words and compose them into a poem. I  managed to use all their words (plus some of mine) in the following two poems.

Corkscrew Tree

Shivering in the misty morning
strolling across the padded floor,
forest filled light and shadow
variations on jade,
kelly, lime, mint, greens
ever alive
ever green
redwood giants
like the Corkscrew Tree
endearing, enduring
we stood in its ancient heart–
in gnarly cavernous silence
witnessing this glorious fine day

double nonet

Corkscrew Tree

Crater Lake

Crater Lake

The deepest blue
snowy, slippery edge
a treacherous fall
waiting at the cliff
into the
lake of the depths
the wizard’s hat
rises from the lake
to greet the nations
coming together
to behold the wonder

Many people oohing and ahhing in many languages

10 thoughts on “Slice of Life on our Road Trip

  1. Denise,
    I adore this idea for a poem. A lovely twist on a *found* poem, indeed. The double money has activity look on the page that echoes the twisty tree. Oregon is such a gorgeous state. The Oregon coast is still the most beautiful part of the country for me. I wish the state weren’t so expensive.

  2. Lovely phoots and poems. But I liked best that you were with your kids and together brainstorminig just the perfect words for this slice! Fun Times!! Also, you are exploring a part of the world I have never visited. I think it needs to be on my list! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love that you’re traveling with your family and sharing natural and poetic wonders along the way! How wonderful!

  4. Denise, the invitation to volley a few words your way is precious – what a lovely way to bring in the family on the poems – and a treasure to frame with a photo as a trip memento. Your double nonet is an engaging form – I love it. Your photos are gorgeous, and your words paint the pictures to bring us into your moments.

  5. What a fun way to travel and write together! It looks like (and reads like) a beautiful time!

  6. Welcome to Oregon! Crater Lake in all its majesty is beautifully reflected in your poem. “Cavernous, craterous/lake of the depths…” Enjoy all the beauty around, between, and within. Safe travel.

  7. Your feeling of being blessed shines through! How fortunate to be traveling with kids, to see other kids, in such a beautiful place. Like your other readers, i love that you enlisted everybody to give you words to use- what a fun way to proceed! I am imagining that the poetry writing challenge is making you try new things.

  8. Denise, the poems and the photos are incredibly gorgeous. It makes me so happy to know you are on this trip with your children – that lead photo is radiant! How beautiful, too, the weaving of moments and poems with words that they’ve given you. I am awed by your artistry, and, as always, by nature – the Corkscrew Tree and Crater Lake are stunning. They soothe the soul even in photos. I can only imagine ho much more so in person.

  9. Lovely: 1) your words; 2) your images; 3) your adventure with your children
    You are blessed.

  10. We loved our visit to this part of Oregon two summers ago. Crater Lake is breathtakingly beautiful; how I love your poetry, “cavernous/craterous/lake of the depths”. I’m wondering where you saw the corkscrew tree? We had several marvelous ‘pitstops’ along the Rogue River, all so luscious green, as your photos. How I love your collaborative poetry writing, Denise! Very special time. Thanks for sharing it with us!

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