Poetry Friday – A Sacred Seven and Poetry Opps

Whether you are a first-time visitor or a seasoned contributor to Poetry Friday, Welcome!

We are a community of poets, writers, teachers, librarians, students, mothers, fathers, grandparents, lovers of literature, friends. We live around the country and around the world. Some of us know one another in person; others are connected via technology.

Every Friday (and Thursdays for some!) we share poetry. Please join us! If you have poetry to share, you can add your blog link at the bottom of this post. Leave a comment and then enjoy the wealth and richness of poetry offered this week at each of the links included.

That was the beautiful introduction Patricia Franz wrote a few weeks ago. I liked it so much, I asked her if I could use it today since I’m hosting. She graciously said yes, so here we are. WELCOME!

This week I learned a new form: the sacred seven. (I wonder if the name may have been inspired by a line in “Brahma” by Ralph Waldo Emerson.)

A Sacred Seven Poem
by Denise Krebs
inspired by Mary Oliver’s “Wild Geese

My place in this world is given home and rest
as Mary Oliver declares my soft body in our
world, my body, myself, is safe here. No matter
that I may at times feel regret for the sad
consolation prize I won in being less than
on target in love and longing. Mighty hope
is found in this family of wild geese and me.

I learned about this form, called the sacred seven, in the Look Deeper Contest at the Florida State Poets Association that Jan shared last week. – In the sacred seven, “Starting at the left margin, take 7 lines from a poem you admire (not your own) and use the first letter in each line, in order, to begin each line in your poem about why you admire the other poem. Give credit to the other author.” I used the first letters of the last seven lines of “Wild Geese” to start each line of my poem. It’s funny how such a small constraint in a form (a prescribed beginning letter) can lead me places I would never have gone on my own: “regret for the sad / consolation prize” Hmmm…

Speaking of poetry contests, I looked up the California State Poetry Society contests and learned they have an annual and monthly contests. You do have two more weeks to submit a poem to the annual contest should you be interested. I wonder what contests are going on with poetry societies in your state/country?

This weekend I’m so busy with poetry and family times. The Poetry Marathon is on Saturday–Wish me luck! (Who’s joining me?)

The June OpenWrite begins on Saturday too. Do join us! Learn more here. There will be prompts and a writing community there to support you each day for the next five days. Margaret Simon will be hosting us on Sunday.

Finally, please leave your link in a comment below. I will round them up the old-fashioned way. Thanks!

Jama’s shares two Barbara Crooker poems and signing off for a summer blog break.

Karen Edmisten, in her powerful relationship poetry series, shares a lovely poem by January Gill O’Neil about being in the company of women.

Jane shares a very catchy and fun song that she and her child both learned in preschool. Have you heard it?

Marcie won an award! She is also spending the summer with Naomi Shihab Nye.

Tabatha shares an intriguing poem, “Death of an Irishwoman” by Michael Hartnett, as well as a sweet reminder that we don’t have to be good at things to do them.

Michelle has two poems, one is about flowers for fathers we hold dear and another about monarchs and their beloved milkweed. Complete with beautiful artwork.

Linda B. has some great stories about the fathers in her life, past and present. She’s such a good storyteller.

Kat got out her good camera, and she caught some magical small moments. She’s added sweet poems, just for us.

Sally and Matilda wrote a poem together. What a joyous time when one remembers to stop and listen. Be sure to watch Sally’s beautiful road trip video.

Amy had quite the experience this week, an experience she captured in a poem to remember. Also so many delicious third grade color poems!

Irene stepped back into early spring with a joyful quilt poem. And don’t miss this excellent reading list.

Matt has a wealth here, among them, a catalog of reading lists, a poem and song to encourage you to try something, and an opportunity for you to claim by the end of August if you want him to come for a classroom visit.

Patricia and time for dancing at the fourth wedding, preparation of the fifth wedding, and a new sugar maple seedling.

Jone snapped a gorgeous photo in a garden that takes me into our whole universe of connections.

Ramona shares a delightful children’s book full of all sorts of ways to start a poem.

Karen Eastland wrote a sweet limerick about her dastardly (though darling) garden visitors.

Carol L. had an early Father’s Day visit with her dad and a winner in a drawing for a copy of Picture Perfect Poetry, along with a sweet dragonfly haiku.

Carol V. has a lovely book review of Bless The Earth and a call to have Earth Day every day!

21 thoughts on “Poetry Friday – A Sacred Seven and Poetry Opps

  1. Hi, Denise! So many poetry forms to try out. I wasn’t familiar with the sacred seven — thanks for sharing yours, and Mary Oliver is certainly worthy of the tribute. ❤️ So many contests, too. 🙂 Thanks for all the info, and thank you for hosting.

    I’m in this week with a lovely poem by January Gill O’Neil about being in the company of women.
    The link is here:

  2. I’m currently prepping for a poetry workshop I’ll be doing with some tweens over the summer, and my mind has been blown by the sheer number of different poetry forms that are currently out there – whenever people say that poetry isn’t for them, I like to suggest that maybe they just haven’t tried out enough forms yet!

    This week I’m sharing a silly childhood poem/song from my childhood that my son recently learned for preschool!


  3. Such a bevy of opportunity here, and also that you are endeavoring in–all the best with all! Your Sacred Seven poem is quite intriguing, I’m also a fan of Mary Oliver, and enjoyed both of your poems! I look forward to trying this new poem form on sometime… Thanks for hosting too!

    I have a poem for my father and all fathers that have passed on, for Father’s Day. And a bit more too… https://moreart4all.wordpress.com/2024/06/13/poetry-friday-fathers/

  4. How wonderful – to pop back in for a Poetry Friday round, and the first thing I discover is a new poetry form. What joy. Thank-you for sharing, Denise. And I agree with your observation; small constrains in writing take us in delightfully unexpected directions. Thank-you for hosting us today, and being so generous in your sharing!

  5. Love your Sacred Seven poem. I added it to my padlet of ideas to try in the future. I’m sharing a new-to-me poetry book I found at the library last week.

  6. oooooh! A new form to play with. Thank you. I have not had a chance to check out Jan’s link…so your nudge is most welcome this morning. I love the word, ‘sacred.’ It’s a word to get back in touch with.

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