ITEC 2012

Connected educator. Leader. Learner. Colleague of my students.

My life as an educator has changed dramatically over the past two years. One of the ways can be illustrated in my experience with ITEC, which is Iowa Technology and Education Connection, a conference held each October.

2010Brenda and Mary went to ITEC and came back telling me all the exciting things they had learned about connectedness, Twitter, blogging, and more. “What’s ITEC?” I asked. They explained.

2011 – The next year, I was anxious to go myself to learn more about this new connected educator I was becoming. I wrote about Day 1 and, several months later, Day 2.

2012 – This year, I went back to ITEC, excited to learn more, but I also decided to contribute. I signed up to lead a session about genius hour, where students are given time and autonomy to learn, create, and produce something meaningful to them.

I suppose it was because of my interests, but each session I attended (except “Bringing History to Life Workshop” by Karen Lampe) included some reference to genius hour learning.

I went to ITEC for just one day this year because I had committed to present on Tuesday at Northwest Iowa Reading Council on being a connected educator. (Remind me not to present two days in a row again–for a while, at least!)

I am thankful for the professional development opportunities that my school gives me, like the chance to go to ITEC and other conferences.

It’s hard to explain, but ITEC and other PD experiences have helped make me more connected and a willing leader, given me a renewed love for learning, and led me to develop a collegial partnership of learning with my students.

I am profoundly grateful for the journey I’m on!

6 thoughts on “ITEC 2012

  1. Lovely reflection, Denise đŸ™‚

    I am profoundly grateful for the journey you are on, too…because I get to learn SO much from and through you! Thank you for sharing your learning with all of us…you inspire so many (including me) all the time!


  2. Gallit,
    How thoughtful of you to say so and comment. Thank you so much. It is exciting to be waving the flag of passion-based learning with you!


  3. Dear Denise,

    I love how you captured how tech flattens our world and your journey of connectedness. Your slideshow also beautifully frames the benefits of connectedness with resources, ideas, innovations, collaborations, friendships, authentic learning, global and cultural awareness, the ability and desire to step into leadership roles, the focus on contributing, and most importantly to do all of this for the students.

    Thank you for sharing your genius with the world!

    Kind regards,

    1. Tracy, thank you so much for visiting. The first year of my connectedness, I thought it was about the technology. Now this second year I understand that, as you say, the tech is what flattens our world.

      It’s not about technology, but about what teachers and students are doing together with the tech. @ms_jcon wrote this tweet just a few minutes ago: “in my mind, even schools with the best tech aren’t effective if Ss don’t feel connection to Ts, classmates & learning”

      Now I understand more clearly. In fact, I just wrote another blog post about the priorities I’ve come to embrace!

      Thanks, as always, Tracy!

  4. Dear Denise,
    Thank you for tracing the steps of your journey for us. Often times, teachers don’t see that those that are on the path begin with one small step and continue on because of the connections they make. Those connections are vital for growth to continue to occur and that growth causes us to flourish.
    Once again thanks for sharing.

    1. JoAnn,
      Thank you! I have loved the growth that has come from inspiring colleagues like you. I guess I have this on my mind a lot lately, because I wrote another similar post today!

      Thank you, JoAnn!

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