March 7 – Skylight in My House

March 7, 2023

One of the benefits of getting a new roof this week was that we also got a skylight out of the deal. This first picture was taken a little over a year ago when we moved into our house. The vented box on the ceiling was from a dinosaur of an evaporative cooler–long ago broken down–on our roof. I dreamed of a skylight window to take its place.

Fast forward, and we needed to replace our leaky roof, so it was the perfect time to get my skylight. It looked like this for a few days, while they finished the roof.

And now it looks like this! I’m delighted.

The light travels across the floors and walls of our living room in so many delightful ways.

And today the cotton ball clouds came into our house through this welcome window.




I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for all of March. Thank you, Two Writing Teachers!



9 thoughts on “March 7 – Skylight in My House

  1. Denise,
    Iā€™m in the let the sun shine in the house club so am loving all the light and images the new skylight invites iā€™m. Enjoy watching the changing skylight art!

  2. I love that feature! A great example of the simple joys in life. Your pictures do it justice too!

  3. Loved seeing the reflection on the floor and the cotton-ball sky. Thanks for including photos. So important to mental health to see the sky each day! You just made that easier!! Well done!

  4. Hi Denise, Thanks so much for commenting on my blog on Sunday. It was great to meet you on Sunday, as well.

    Wow! That skylight makes such a huge difference. I’m so happy I could see these photos. Sometimes I can’t see the photos on people’s posts because my work computer blocks so much. My favorite shot is the cotton ball clouds.

    We’re renovating our upstairs, too. We have before photos but we’re months away from after photos. Fingers crossed we’ll end up with something as beautiful as yours.


  5. Denise, what a beautiful answer to the box in the ceiling! That is clever, and your plants will love it, too. When we bought our current camper, we fell in love with the stargazer window over the bed. We can watch stars and watch rain and watch birds and all the fun stuff. You won’t have to go camping to stargaze – – you can see the heavens from inside your home. That’s a simple joy that will bring comfort and peace!

  6. Thanks for sharing your beautiful skylight. Truly an amazing addition. I’d love to have more sunlight pouring into my home!

  7. I love how you included the progression of photos. I felt like I got to experience the skylight from every angle and find the same beauty and appreciation that you feel!

  8. Oh amazing, skylights are the best! Especially when they give you a glimpse of that cloud-filled sky!

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