Poetry Friday – Will you teach me to write poetry?

Today is Poetry Friday. A happy birthday to all the May birthdays, including Michelle Kogan, who is hosting today.

Today we began a road trip. We’re meeting up with one of my daughters and her hubby. We’ll take the long road to Seattle to visit my other daughter (one of those May birthday folk) and her family. On the way up, I was playing poetry-writing-catch-up from the last couple of days. My husband asked me a bit about what I was doing, and then said, “Will you teach me to write poetry?” Yes! That’s easy, I said, Just keep doing what you are doing. 

He is such a good contemplator, muller of ideas, and feeler. He takes daily time to write, and when he shares with me, I always love how poetic it sounds. Next he asked to have me teach him some forms to try. I said, Of course. That’s a great idea. You’ll like forms. It’s like word games only better because you get to also create something. 

Then I shared my sibling poems with him to show what forms I’ve been working on. I’m looking forward to this vacation and some shared poetry experiences with my love. I hope he’ll let me publish one of his on my blog in the future. That’s my goal.

Here is a fun opportunity, I wanted to remind you about. The Poetry Marathon is coming up! Write a poem an hour for 12 or 24 hours. It starts Saturday morning, June 15. Sign up here by June 10.

Image by Maria Zangone from Pixabay

17 thoughts on “Poetry Friday – Will you teach me to write poetry?

  1. Denise, your stories about your husband are heartwarming. Love radiates from your words about him. It is beautiful that you share so many common interests. I hope that he does let you post one of his poems!

  2. Have a lovely trip! Like Tracey said, your post is heartwarming. I was thinking about doing the Poetry 1/2 Marathon. It sounds crazy!

  3. I think your conversation is a poem, Denise. Remember that poets sometimes ignore the forms, but just allow us to ‘hear’ their stories, just as you’ve done today. I’ll look forward to more poetic duets!

  4. How special to share your writing with your husband. Enjoy your trip, and thanks for the inspiring heart book image too!

  5. Well, this is one of the most romantic, heart-warming, lovely things I’ve read in a long time. How wonderful! (& thanks for the challenge link – I was about to sign up but then remembered I’LL be on the road that day traveling back from a trip.) Safe travels & happy creating to both of you!

  6. Denise, I’m enamored with your husband’s sweet request! What a joy it will be to travel to visit family and compose poetry together.

  7. I do love a road trip. When my husband is driving I usually have my notebook out on my lap. It’s such a time to talk and see and jot notes. I can’t wait to see how your hubby forms some verse. Enjoy time with your daughters. There is nothing sweeter for me than being with my adult children and husband all together.

  8. How lucky you are that your life partner is your traveling partner is your poetry-writing partner!

  9. That’s amazing. A big booyah to your husband for being curious about what YOU’re doing and being open to trying new word adventures. I also hope he’ll let you share one. Either way, have a fabulous road trip!

  10. How AWESOME it is to hear how your husband wants to enter into what you’re doing enough to ask you to show him the door. And, you’re right – forms really are like having the rules to a word game you can keep playing until you’re satisfied. You both are going to have such fun. This is going to be awesome!

  11. How sweet that he asked you the question. Have a wonderful trip filled with family and poetry.

  12. Happy to hear about your road trip and your husband’s interest in writing poetry. What a special interest to share! I look forward to reading one of his poems here soon. 🙂

  13. Such a sweet story you told about your husband. I think many people could benefit from writing, have feelings to share, but find it too intimidating or are otherwise uncomfortable. Enjoy the journey. 🙂

  14. What a beautiful peek into your relationship, which is so obviously filled with curiosity, respect and love.

  15. The definition of love poetry, Denise. I look forward to reading your hubs’ words in the future. ❤️

  16. Oh, I just love that he asked you to teach him to write poetry! That is marvelous. I hope we’ll get the chance to read some of it someday.

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