I used to teach my students,
But now, as chief learner in my classroom, we create learning together.
I used to use technology to enhance student learning,
But now I empower geniuses to use technology to connect, create, contribute, and collaborate.
I once was the teacher up front,
But now I sit in a student desk elbow-to-elbow with learners.
If I could I would give the gift of lifelong learning to every child.
I would always be patient and guide them to their passions.
I will not quit my quest to inspire and empower them,
But I need them to keep inspiring and empowering me as well.
I’m not always successful,
But I do love them and will keep telling them they are geniuses until they believe it.
I won’t give up,
But I get discouraged when students can’t seem to unlearn the old ways.
I used to teach my students,
But now I am the chief learner in my classroom.
~Denise Krebs
August, 2012. It’s been a busy month.
Early in the month, I had a week of relaxing vacation where all I did was read and hike. Then I came back to a classroom needing attention. Now, I’ve just finished my first full week of a new school year.
It’s also Connected Educator Month, where I have had three awesome experiences!
- I joined P2PU (Peer to Peer University), connecting with new people like Terry Elliott and Karen Fasimpaur.
- I led a webinar called “Extend the Conversation” with Sheri Edwards.
- I am part of a book club that is reading and discussing The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall.
It’s been a great month! I wrote the poem above because I was inspired by my connections. Thank you, PLN!