Poetry Friday – At NCTE

It’s Friday and Irene Latham is hosting Poetry Friday today with thoughts about the last poem.

I’m at NCTE this week, and today, as I wandered the Exhibit Hall feeling overwhelmed with all the busyness and people, I chanced upon this collaborative poetry project called Tend the Flame, sponsored by Traveling Stanzas and the National Writing Project. I love poets and people who love poetry, and there were both hanging around this exhibit. It was a delight to take time out to sit at a picnic table and write and draw–just what I needed for a sensory-overload break.

“Poetry Sparks” was a deck of cards, each with either an adjective, a noun or a verb, along with more specifics and definitions. I randomly chose three cards: moon, echo, and distant. I chose to use them when I wrote my addition to the collaborative poem:

I give my students
a rocket 
and they give me back
the moon
with a distant echo
of where we 

This is the deck of cards that sparked my poetic thinking today. I bought a deck for future use.