It’s Friday and Irene Latham is hosting Poetry Friday today with thoughts about the last poem.
I’m at NCTE this week, and today, as I wandered the Exhibit Hall feeling overwhelmed with all the busyness and people, I chanced upon this collaborative poetry project called Tend the Flame, sponsored by Traveling Stanzas and the National Writing Project. I love poets and people who love poetry, and there were both hanging around this exhibit. It was a delight to take time out to sit at a picnic table and write and draw–just what I needed for a sensory-overload break.
“Poetry Sparks” was a deck of cards, each with either an adjective, a noun or a verb, along with more specifics and definitions. I randomly chose three cards: moon, echo, and distant. I chose to use them when I wrote my addition to the collaborative poem:
I give my students
a rocket
and they give me back
the moon
with a distant echo
of where we

Yay! I’m so glad you are at NCTE. Please say hello to our PF friends. I”m hoping you all get a little face time with each other. The spark cards look cool. And, time to write at a picnic table? Yes, please!
Denise, I love that you give your students instruction that can launch them into outer space with ideas, and it is fitting that you journey together to far off places. Lovely!
Looks as if you discovered the best fun, Denise! Love the connection with students! Keep on keeping on at NCTE!
Denise, I am sorry that I missed several of your blog posts. I caught up now. I hope your NCTE experience was a fabulous one. I miss attending, especially the thrill of walking through the hallowed halls. listening to presentations, and presenting as well.
Thanks for introducing me to Poetry Sparks. Your poem flowed with the words you chose. Happy Travels Home.
So fun to be at NCTE and doing poetry! Wish I was there, but so glad so many of my writer friends are there!