Here are a few new blogs for today. I’ve read and commented on these posts. Enjoy!
Nathan Bowling (@nate_bowling)
Blogs at A Teacher’s Evolving Mind
Post: On Teacher Quality and Solutions-Oriented Thinking – What a powerful writer! I’m looking forward to more blog posts.
Melissa Smith (@MrsSmith167)
Blogs at Crayons and Candy: A Teacher’s Journey
Post: I’m Working On… – Staying positive in the midst of testing stress!
Rebecca Cissel (@Rcissel)
Blogs at 21st Century Tekkie
Post: #edblogaday Day 12: Helping Students Cope With Testing – Another positive teacher during testing, helping others cope. Do you know about GoNoodle?
Molly Robbins (@robbinswriters)
Blogs at robbinswriters: I teach writing
Post: Reflective Time is Learning Time Great ideas reminding us to reflect and take care!
Kerry Gallagher (@KerryHawk02)
Blogs at KerryHawk02: Teaching HistoryTech
Post: The Student Data Privacy Balance – Be sure to read all the links and join the conversation about student privacy.