Poetry Friday – Brazil Bound

Today is Poetry Friday and Carol Varsalona at Beyond LiteracyLink has the Pre-Valentine roundup complete with lots of love. 

I am on my way to Brazil for a week! I’ll be part of a team leading a storytelling workshop with Simply the Story.

I’ll write poems in Brazil this week! I’m so excited. For now, I’ll finish getting ready for a 24-hour travel day. I’ll arrive on Saturday morning. (Comments coming on some Poetry Friday posts while I’m on my layover in Dallas-Fort Worth.)

In the meantime, here is a poet from Brazil for you to meet. Her name is Paula Valéria Andrade. She made the image below as a participant in a Visual Poetry presentation:

Did you notice “arco-iris” is Portuguese for rainbow. I think it is such a beautiful word.

I used the English translation of her line for my Valentine Golden Shovel:

I am so happy that I get to
know your technicolor self,
all the ins and outs,
the ups and downs, the
colors of pain and sadness,
of joy and gladness–
the whole kaleidoscope! Every
rainbow splurge of love
with splashes of hope.
You are a treasure!

Here are some more of Andrade’s poems in English. Don’t miss the last one called “Farewell,” with these lines:

…then left
my heart
as a used rug
on the floor.