Friday – A Day to Rest

Day 20

This week I had three really busy days in a row; I wasn’t enjoying anything that was keeping me busy. I felt like Grumpy Gills Nemo when Dory tells him to just keep swimming. When life gets you down, you just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.

By the skin of my teeth, I reached most of my deadlines on Thursday evening, but when I went to bed I left this note for the morning.

I was half asleep, so I couldn’t even stop to write a quick SOLSC blog post before bed. I thought I could do it in the morning because when it is 8:00 a.m. the next day in Bahrain, it’s midnight on the U.S. East coast. I remember vaguely thinking that the U.S. recently sprung ahead, so now it will be 9:00 a.m. at midnight, so I had lots of time in the morning. I woke up at 6:55 and went to my computer. I wrote the blog post, published, and went to post on TwoWritingTeachers. But alas, it was now 7:15 a.m. here and 12:15 a.m. EST. So that’s how that spring ahead thing worked this time! Oops, so I missed my 18th day of SOLSC.

Next on my checklist was making music videos for our church school children to sing to record their voices. They are nothing pretty, just our musicians playing with lyrics and actions, but it took a lot of time.

Finally, it was about 1:00 p.m. and the perfect time for a nap! I slept for an hour. A delightful “Sunday”-afternoon nap. Friday is our church day, and so we think of it as Sunday still, always a good day for a nap.

After that I woke up and was so excited to sit and read, something I have been neglecting for way too long. Though I didn’t spend a lifetime with Suleika Jaouad, I did spend about six months, and got to chapter six in her book Between Two Kingdoms. The book is quite engaging. Suleika has such a beautiful way of observing and describing the details of her surroundings and experiences. I’m really enjoying her story.

It was a lovely relaxing afternoon, something I desperately needed. Later I made some naan bread, and I was surprised to see that some of them had creepy faces. I began wondering about each one’s personality traits. Oh, my! It’s been quite a week!


6 thoughts on “Friday – A Day to Rest

  1. Iā€™m looking forward to the naan bread creepy faces post. šŸ˜‰ As I read the spring ahead section, I anticipated how that would work out. I wish weā€™d dump Daylight Saving Time. It serves no good purpose now and results in lots of bad outcomes.

    1. That daylight savings time would be great to lose, wouldn’t it!? It seems like I would be able to figure it out, but I constantly have to look up what hour it is in various important time zones, especially around the time it switches.

      Haha, about that naan post. I don’t have much more to say about them! Most have been spread with peanut butter and eaten by now.

  2. Oh no! Those time changes can be so tricky! I didn’t realize you were in Bahrain! (How have I missed that?! Have you written about it? I’d love to know more!) But you know what? Sometimes we just need a break. Glad you’re still writing – sometimes it’s easy to give up when you miss one day!
    I was hoping you’d try writing in Spanish again! Maybe next Friday? I really enjoyed your courageous post last MultiFri! šŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I do want to try to post again in Spanish. I didn’t even think of it this Friday, but I will try again. Sadly, I lost my 47-day Duolingo streak. Now I’m back to a one-day streak!

  3. I love hearing about your ā€œcatch upā€ day – thatā€™s what I call those soft days that follow the busy ones. So healing! I love naan and yours are priceless!

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