March 18 – Painting and a Slice of Life Meet Up

March 18, 2023

Today I spent the morning reading posts for Poetry Friday and Slice of Life; smiling, sighing, and sometimes gasping at the effective writing and beautiful poetry; and commenting on lots of blogs. I was trying to avoid starting the painting job of the door jamb on our new door. But, alas, I finally started sanding at 1:15 p.m. (PST). About 30 minutes later my alarm went off on my watch. It was time for the Slice of Life Meet Up. Hooray! I could stop now!

Thank you, Fran McCrackin and Sally Donnelly, for hosting the meetup today. It was so nice to meet these lovelies. Today on my slice, Sally wrote in a comment, “Iā€™d love to hear your voice and see the face that matches this lovely blog!!” This sweet comment, and the fact that I had been disappointed I didn’t get to meet Sally in person in Anaheim last November at the NCTE Conference, made me join the meeting. It was great to hear her voice and see her face, as well as Fran McCrackin. Then it was a fun surprise to see who else came and to see and hear them, as well. Now it’s even more meaningful to read their posts. We had a great discussion about writing and slicing ideas. I think everyone went away with more ideas to slice for the next two weeks.

After the Zoom meeting ended, I went back to finish the sanding and painted the primer coat. Tomorrow I’ll finish the painting.

Nice to spend an hour with you, Sally, Fran McC., Fran McV., Megan, and Alice!



I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for all of March. Thank you, Two Writing Teachers!

13 thoughts on “March 18 – Painting and a Slice of Life Meet Up

  1. I really wanted to attend that slicer meetup Friday, but it conflicted w/ other obligations. How was the turnout? And what color are you painting the door jam?

    1. Hi Glenda, it was just us six–a sweet handful. The door jamb has been an interesting exercise. I painted the outdoor section the same white as our trim, like this:

      The inside area on the other side of the door, will be a reddish color, like the trim in our living room.

  2. It’s great when you can meet (even Zoomily) with other writers and slicers and poets. There is something magical about the voice, and the connection we make when we hear a friend in person.

  3. What fun to be able to meet up online- sadly my time zone did not allow for it (it was 4AM here). Sounds like the perfect diversion!

  4. It must have been a wonderful experience. Sally wrote about it in the comments of my post but the time was not convenient. I am enjoying the March SOL šŸ™‚

  5. I missed the meet up and meeting new folks – – we were en route to a campsite for the weekend to get some needed R&R and get our dogs out on some trails for the (cold, chilly, damp) weekend. Weekdays and weeknights are difficult at best – – but I’m so glad it went so well, and I too have such great memories of the meet up in Anaheim.

  6. I love how you show the zoom meet with your Slice of Life friends. You are a dear person and I’m glad I had the chance to meet you in Anaheim. Please tell me about Poetry Friday. I think I heard about this once, but I do not know a thing about it. Here’s to a wonderful weekend and hope you’re able to get your door jamb completed.

    1. Look how long Poetry Friday has been going on. Here is an interesting and helpful article from 2007 written by Susan Thomsen, who still participates in Poetry Friday.

      I joined two years ago. If you look on the sidebar of my blog, you will see who is hosting. Here is last Friday’s host and you can see all the people who shared: You can read a few post and just follow suit. Post a poem to read and/or one you wrote. Let me know if you have any questions! It would be great to have you join. New people are welcome.

  7. It was great to “meet” you yesterday! Thank you for the inspiration to keep writing, the introduction to Ethical ELA’s April poetry, and the many slicing ideas! Looking forward to reading more of your posts šŸ™‚

  8. Denise,
    I liked learning from this slice that we have something else in common – using reading and writing and poetry to avoid housework!! So glad you set an alarm and joined the Zoom call!

  9. What a fun meetup! I think, particularly nice since it was a smallish group – almost like having coffee together. Thanks for sharing about it. I also love how you ‘avoided’ that painting work, lol.

  10. Lovely to read your reflections on our meet-up, and I like how you interlaced it with your home painting project! It is funny how we feel as if we know other ā€œslicersā€ over the years, but somehow seeing people helps me put it all together and really connect what I read to them. Soā€¦ so lovely to ā€œmeetā€ you, Denise!

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