Poetry Friday – Fly and Flowers

Today is Poetry Friday, and our host is Matt Forrest Esenwine, who has some beautiful stargazing opportunities for us! 

Fly: An Anthology of Poetry with contributions from Poetry Friday friends Marcie Flinchum Atkins (I learned about it from her here) and Michelle Kogan. (And others too, I believe?) My copy has shipped, they say, but I haven’t seen it yet. I’m looking forward to this book full of monarch beauty!

Look at that amazing wing cover artwork by Jeanette Barroso.

Here’s a Zeno #smallpoem about this art.

October 6 – Golden

Cracks on the sidewalk form backdrop
for golden wing
fit to
butterflies of
black veins
and escape to
fill the

October is a great time for writing #smallpoems. Join me using the Inktober prompts? (Poemtober Week 1 and Week 2)

On another note, after a week in Minneapolis and then home for another week in bed with Covid, I finally got out for a short walk. Since the Hilary storm came through here in August, the growing has been going crazy. We usually just see flowers like these in the spring.

And, for Bridget and Tabatha, my pineapple top and avocado pit plants!

20 thoughts on “Poetry Friday – Fly and Flowers

  1. Denise, I love all of the assonance in your poem! Beautiful. Thank you for sharing all of the fall flower pictures as well. I hope you are feeling better!

  2. I’d not heard of this anthology, but what beautiful inspiration. I, too, loved the assonance you use as well as those photos!

  3. Yes! That cover is gorgeous! Can’t wait to indulge in the poetry. How incredible it would be to see monarchs filling the sky? And what a treat – wildflowers in fall – though I imagine this is one of those “not a good climate health” sign? Sigh…

  4. Delicious anticipation… You fill the wait well with your poem, Denise. Lovely pacing and assonance. (Perfect cover image for that topic!)

    I have pineapple heads in an arid garden. And some sharing a large pot. Some have been there for about 2 years now… No fruit yet. But I’ll wait… And I’ve some avocado seeds that have sprouted and will need a home soon. Yours is a beautiful healthy green. Clearly it loves its pot!

  5. The Fly Anthology cover art is gorgeous, but your poem inspired by it soars, Denise. In fact the arrangement of your words reminds me a butterflies’ wing.
    And your pineapple top/avocado pit plants – WOW! You truly have a green thumb. đŸ™‚

  6. I’ve never done a pineapple top but have done the avocado plants, love seeing them. I’m always amazed at the strength of the tiny avocado stem. Congratulations on the publishing of your poem and, yes, that cover is so creative and beautiful! I love your poem’s energy, Denise, like those insects.

  7. Lovely poem, Denise, inspired by a beautiful image. How wonderful it would be to see butterflies fill the sky. It reminds me of an older picture book by Sandra Markle and Leslie Wu titled Butterfly Tree. Hope you continue to heal.

  8. Love your poem! Thanks for sharing about FLY. My copy just arrived a few minutes ago. On a quick flip-through, I noticed that one of my poems for an upcoming anthology is also in the back! The cover art is gorgeous!

  9. Beautiful and sensitive poem Denise, I hope the butterflies can escape and fill the sky! Congrats on being published in “FLY,” and my apologies for not adding you in my post last week, I’m waiting for the books to arrive too–I look forward to reading your poem(s) there. Your plants are sooo healthy and a beautiful green, enjoy, and thanks!

  10. Oh, rats! Sorry to hear the covid got you. That’s no fun. What pretty, pretty flowers. The blue sky in the background is also gorgeous. And, hooray for your poems in a new anthology! Can’t wait to see it. The cover is indeed beautiful. Congrats!

  11. This is a lovely zeno, Denise. I especially love “butterflies of black veins try…” Something about “of.” A boring little word, usually, but it makes such a difference here!

  12. Your Zeno has a lovely flow, Denise! There’s something poignant about it–those black veined wings trying to fly… I’ve been playing around with the Poemtober words as well. It’s always a fun challenge, isn’t it?

  13. I feel like Im flying alongside you Denise. This is the 2nd xeno I read today. Love the image that the poem opens with. Thanks for letting me know it is Inktober. I was thinking about that but then forgot in the midst of my to-do list. I am still trying to make the PF rounds so I am glad I joined you here.

    1. There’s that crazy anonymous word popping up. The above comment was from me.-Carol Varsalona

  14. Fit to fly! I love your zeno and that cover makes me want to read the anthology.
    I am staying near an urban parkland where I spotted some signage about a rare butterfly which has been seen there after a long absence. And now, of course, every time I walk through I am looking for a little flutter. No luck yet, but I am an optimist.

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