Slice of Life – Bike Riding and NCTE

7 November 2023

Yesterday, when I was out for a bike ride, I thought I had my slice of life for the week. We were riding up to Eureka Peak, one of the highest places in Joshua Tree National Park.  It’s only a bit less than ten miles from our house, so we ate a monster cookie and some M&Ms, and got started on our ride (on electric bikes!).  It is a 2000 foot elevation climb, and it was getting cold and we had about an hour of sunlight left. The sand became so thick on this uphill climb, that it was here I had given up. I asked my hubby to take this photo for today’s Slice.

But he started walking his bike and passed me. He discovered the sand became firmer just up ahead, so we walked a ways and then we were able to continue riding. We made it to the top and saw this nice view of San Gorgonio and San Jacinto, two of the most topographically prominent summits of California.

San Gorgonio
San Jacinto

On the way down the mountain, my husband paused for a picture for me. We didn’t get to stay up on top to enjoy the sunset, as we had a long sandy road home while it was still light. When we got to the bottom of Covington Flats and onto our road–just a stone’s throw from our house–I stopped to talk to my husband where we always wait for each other. When I braked, I fell over, bounced off my bike and hit my hip, leg and arm on the ground–fortunately, not seriously. I was able to get up and continue. That is what I’m grateful for today! That I had such a painless reminder of my aging body. I am delighted that we can hike and bike around this place we call home. I may not always be able to, so today I am grateful for the time I do have.

Who else is going to NCTE? It would be great to meet you in person.