The ABC’s of Poetry Power

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The ABCs of Poetry Power

a poem advances truth
and briefs the sleuth
a poem caresses cheeks
and dams up leaks
a poem enlarges hearts
and flings safe darts
a poem glistens with glitter
and harnesses the quitter
a poem ignites understanding
and justifies demanding
a poem keeps a tune
and launches to the moon
a poem mushrooms thoughts
and nests in tight spots
a poem opens us to find
and parks in the mind
a poem quickens senses
and refashions fences
a poem sizzles in the pan
and transforms our plan
a poem uncovers sin
and validates within
a poem weaves a story
and x-rays allegory
a poem yanks our smugness
and zaps us with justness

By Denise Krebs
After Irene Latham

Today is Poetry Friday with Irene Latham at Live Your Poem as host. Visit her blog and learn more about Irene’s new verse novel D-39: A Robodog’s Journey, which is coming out on Tuesday. My poem is after Irene’s poem called, “A Poem for the Girl by the Lake.”


12 thoughts on “The ABC’s of Poetry Power

  1. I saw this form at Irene’s place today and thought about how it might work as a mentor text and here you are….A poem is …with the added challenge of abc’s and rhyme. Great verbs!

    1. Yes, I saw it as a mentor text I wanted to work with right away. It was fun to write and really poems can do anything, so it wasn’t that tough.

  2. Wow, I love the way you combined the repetition of ‘a poem is’ with the alphabet (with the bonus rhyme!), Denise. I’ve given the ABC form a try in the past with marginal success. I especially like your line, “a poem sizzles in the pan”. đŸ™‚

  3. Love seeing you join Poetry Friday. This poem has a great beat. I can imagine walking to this (or running, if I ran–I don’t). So many things a poem does. It’s good medicine for sure!

  4. Great job!! Love abecedarian poems, and this is the first I’ve seen with beginning line repetition.

    1. Jama, thank you. I forgot that word “abecedarian.” I have a huge collection of ABC books and love the idea. I’ll have to try to do more with this type of poem.

  5. From mentor text to poet’s thoughts, you created a delightful poem of power, Denise. I liked your lines but these two popped out at me:
    a poem mushrooms thoughts
    and nests in tight spots.
    Sometimes, those mushrooming thoughts need prodding to make them fit.

  6. oh my goodness! What a wonderful poem celebrating all the poetry can do. I’m enjoying not just this Poetry Friday post, but all of the poems that you’re posting on your blog!

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