Poetry Friday – Happy National Poetry Month

2022 NATIONAL POETRY MONTH POSTER from Academy of American Poets

There’s a poem in this place
and a hope for humanity
in the cleaving of brokenness
the loved become whole
in this place of poems

Happy National Poetry Month. This is my first April being in the Poetry Friday community during this special month. I look forward to all the delicious poems being written and shared this month. Heidi Mordhorst, at “my juicy little universe”, is the host for Poetry Friday on this good first Friday of National Poetry Month. She has a wealth of poetry opportunities for your perusing pleasure.

9 thoughts on “Poetry Friday – Happy National Poetry Month

  1. “the loved become whole” — isn’t that an uplifting line? Glad you are joining us for NPM!

  2. I like how your poem is book-ended by the two lines. It should be a fun month of poetry goodness!

  3. Happy you’re joining in for NPM, Denise! Lovely poem–it feels so healing.

  4. “there’s a poem in this place” and “hope for humanity” – Thanks for the reminder of the power of words, Denise. I like to think there is a poem here in this place, and in every place if we dig deep enough.

  5. Happy National Poetry Month! Isn’t it great that we can celebrate with a whole month? Now, for a day off of work too? Hmmm.

  6. Hope for humanity and cleaving of brokenness; such pertinent lines. Enjoy your first Poetry Month!

  7. I’ll take that “hope for humanity” make it come fast especially for Ukraine, thanks Denise!

  8. Like the others who commented, Denise, I love the hope for humanity phrase. I believe poetry can be part of healing for all. Thank you for sharing this.

  9. Pardon the so-late comment, Denise, and welcome to the frenzy! I hope it will feel less like that for you, and instead more like a wholeness.

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