March 26 – A Hike in the Desert

March 26, 2023

Spring has come to our desert. The temperature was in the high 40s F (9 C), but it seems warmer because the sun was shining. I was happy to see more flowers and kept my phone in hand, since I had forgotten my walking stick. Here are some of the pictures.


Walking through a wash
Today’s wildflowers. They are becoming more visible each day.

When I came home a little light was shining through the skylight. It was so lovely. I put these things in the spotlight and took a photo.

I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for all of March. Thank you, Two Writing Teachers!

18 thoughts on “March 26 – A Hike in the Desert

  1. Denise,
    The flowers are lovely. The desert is at its best during spring.

  2. I never knew the desert could be so pretty! I just thought it was sand for miles and miles. You proved me wrong! Love the photos. đŸ™‚

  3. We visited the desert earlier this month and also did some hiking. When I look at your pictures I can feel the warmth enveloping me. We saw evidence of flowers to come but were too early for the bloom. So beautiful.

  4. The flowers are so small and pretty. Spring flowers make people smile in every corner of the world. Still waiting for the spring in Estonia.

  5. Denise, I have a daughter whose backyard is the desert, and takes the most beautiful walks like you have described here! The pictures are filled with sunshine, and the word on the table in the certain slant of light matches the feeling for springtime and for life.

  6. I really love how you crafted this slice – outside, hiking, seeing the small natural wonders. Then returing to your home with your new sunlight. That final photo shows how your home brings the outside natural world in. AND THERE IS HOPE!
    So much in a slice! Thanks for sharing. Made me reisit my photos form our hikes at Joshua Tree!

  7. Beautiful photos; desert flowers always stop me in my tracks. They look so unusual compared with what is common in the Midwest and the colors of desert flowers always so vivid. Enjoy your time away!

    1. Yes, Lakshmi, there are houses spread out. I walked on a loop trail away from my house where there were no houses, but here is our house from the hill in front of us.

  8. Your closing photograph was amazing. I have been wondering if you could upload a video. I may do that for the end of the week, but will I have problems if it’s two or minutes in length?

    1. I believe a two-minute video would be too long to upload as I did, Barb. I can’t on Edublogs even with a premium account, and they use WordPress. You can certainly upload it to YouTube, and then easily embed the YouTube video into your post.

  9. Am I remembering correctly, you are somewhere near Joshua Tree? Tony and I hiked there for several days in March about ten years ago – it was so beautiful. Those flowers! There is nothing quite like them, in the midst of such starkness, you have these vivid wonders. Love your concluding photo with the cactus plant and the word “hope.” Thank you, Denise!

    1. Thank you, Maureen. Yes, we are between Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. This hike near our home is actually in the Mojave Desert Land Trust, which borders Joshua Tree National Park. If you are ever out this way again, we would love to host you!

  10. Beautiful photos! I’m happy you brought your phone with you and were able to take pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us! There is nothing quite like a spring hike. I’ll need to schedule one myself!

  11. What Sally says in response to your Slice is perfect. The wildflowers are stunning, the wash a beautiful contrast of the gray slate and flowers in the background. I love the outside in conclusion, cactus and hope, standing in the spotlight. Lovely!

  12. Denise, most people think of deserts as being dry and barren. Your pictures show this is far from the truth. The sunlight highlighting HOPE is a powerful image.

  13. The desert is beautiful! I love how you captured your walk. The landscape where you live is such a contrast to Wisconsin right now!

  14. You had me at ‘hike’. I love hiking and enjoyed following along on your desert hike, enjoying the spring flowers bursting forth. Beautiful home setting with the mountains back there. đŸ™‚

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