March 21, 2023
I remember when my kindergarten students learned this “Rainbow, Rainbow” song and sang it at our end of the year celebration. I loved their sweet voices, and the parents went all out–with each little group wearing a different rainbow color. Leigh Anne Eck has planned a color party during the Slice of Life. (You can participate too. Just go to her blog, let her know you are participating, and see what others have written about their best colors.)
My best red is everything I’ve ever seen in my favorite color: fireenginecandyapple red. My eyes are captured by the reds of a lifetime. I can’t get enough. It’s always been my favorite.
My best orange is the monarch butterfly, thriving and living its best migratory life with ample milkweed.
My best yellow is lemon pie filling, made with fresh January citrus from Arizona.
My best green is the ephemeral green of a California springtime. (By summer this will all be brown.)
My best blue is that sky, always that sky, (and perhaps a blue tsunami in 2024, as well.)
My best indigo is a new pair of 501 jeans in seventh grade.
My best violet is my friendship with Vinolia.
And in honor of springtime, here is a 32123 palindrome poem (for 3-21-23) that I learned about on Kim Johnson’s Slice of Life.
whispers of
sunshined buds
I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for all of March. Thank you, Two Writing Teachers!