When I Feel Creatively Unlocked

My one-minute list (maybe three minutes) included:

  • having supplies on hand, especially recycled items that others might consider throwaways
  • seeing others’ artwork and taking inspiration
  • making something beautiful from a story
  • digital designing to share with others
  • using up stuff
  • roller balls for writing poems, blog posts, newspaper articles
  • at my dining room table
  • my cloud unicorn pencil and colors holders

Quite often I feel like one of the people Anne described in her writing today–the ones who say ‘I can’t’ when asked to draw or participate in something like a mural creation. At times, though, I say ‘I can’ and I even encourage others to join in the process of creating. I’m a teacher, so that helps.

What I have always loved to do is create and make things from throwaways. I still do. Whenever I see a stack, a pile , a lot, or a bunch of anything cool or beautiful, I think about what I or my students can do with them.

I’m also inspired by what others create. For instance, during genius hour this year, I was inspired by so many of my students to create myself. So, other people are a huge part of my inspiration.

Time is so important. I’ve never considered myself an artist, but I have learned by dabbling in visual art, attempting to write poems, and beginning to cook delicious meals that artists and creators work hard. It takes time to make beautiful works of art. When I allow myself time to do the work of creativity, I have more success and fun in the process.

Recipe for Creativity

Piles of stuff that aren’t appreciated by everyone

1/2 cup of vision

A sprinkle of inspiration

Plenty of time to explore and create

Bake warmly and taste the next day. Adjust spices as needed.

Today is Sunday, Day 131 in Bahrain’s coronavirus time, day 96 of The Isolation Journals with Suleika Jaouad. Today’s prompt is by Anne Francey, artist and Suleika’s maman. The prompt is to make “a list of all the things that help you feel creatively unlocked.” Next “write about what it reveals about you and your creative process.”

Nature Provides Answers

It’s hot and humid in Bahrain, the high temperature is above 100 F most all the days, now and into the foreseeable future. Today’s prompt for The Isolation Journals was to think about a time when nature provided the answer to a pressing question. For some reason, I thought back to February. Not February in Bahrain, where the average temperature is about 70 F, but I thought right away about a February in Iowa eight years ago. It’s been a long time since I’ve longingly thought of winter in Iowa.

It was one of those cold clear nights, with just the right wind and humidity conditions for hoarfrost to accumulate. The next morning was so beautiful. I had a twenty-minute drive to get to school, and I was pushing the limits to get there on time even when I stepped out of my house. When I finally did rush out, I saw the rising sun shining on the dead plants in my herb garden and every other surface in my yard, I just paused in awe and wonder. I decided to stop to take some photos and told myself, “Oh, well, I’m going to be late.” It was quite out of character for me to be late, but I didn’t care.

There wasn’t really a pressing question that day, at least not one that was articulated. But choosing to be late that day has, over the years, been a reminder of sorts to “take time to stop and smell the roses.”

Sometimes we need to stop and just not be so busy. However, it’s not like I had an “a-ha” moment that day, and then changed my whip-frenzy pace and lifestyle. No, it actually got worse a couple years later when I moved to Bahrain. Here, there is never a snow day. (Snow days are a great gift of God, a gift of rest for the weary.)

He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’

So that everyone he has made may know his work,
he stops all people from their labor.

Job 37:6-7

Even holidays here are filled with activities at church, so there really aren’t even metaphorical snow days.

So, today I remembered that pause in February of 2012. Somehow it reminded me of this coronavirus season. The insidious virus is haunting us, stealing life from people, life that shouldn’t yet end. It is pummeling our economies and people have lost their jobs, some that will never be restored. Spousal and child abuse are on the rise, as is drug and alcohol abuse. Our mental health is breaking down.

However, I can’t help but think of my life before the virus and after. Before, my life was out-of-control, never a moment that I felt I could stop my labor. I NEVER caught up. Piles built up at school until my room had literally become a fire hazard.

I think the quarantine gave me a chance to breathe, to recharge and refresh. It saved my sanity in February. I needed a break, and it gave me new priorities that I hope live on with me into the future. Of course, enough is enough and I pray every day for us to get through this chapter safely. However, perhaps this season is a chance for the world to reevaluate its priorities.

Today is Saturday, Day 130 in Bahrain’s coronavirus time, day 95 of The Isolation Journals with Suleika Jaouad. Today’s prompt is by Azita Ardakani and is quite simple and her writing was so powerful, elegant, and beautiful. It made me love dandelions more. “Write about a time when you had a pressing question and nature provided the answer.”


Do I hate trump more than I love Jesus? That’s a big question I need to answer.


Because in my life lately it seems hate is trumping love.


Because I spend more time watching news and these dark days of trumpidity than I do in meditation and prayer.


Good question. Because the news is on my smart phone under my fingertips. I’ve paid for NYT and Wapo subscriptions. I use Twitter and Instagram and… and…and…


Yes, why indeed? I read and view with my mouth agape at the disasters that continually befall our nation. Like a train wreck, I can’t stop watching and reading.


OK. I guess I can stop watching. I just don’t want to or won’t.


Because I want to be in control.


You’re right. That doesn’t make me in control. Maybe because I don’t think God is controlling things right now.


It never stops–trump, the GOP, police brutality, racism, hatred, state-sanctioned murder and no accountability. Coronavirus infections. Mask wars, Russian interference, Russian bounties and…


That’s a good question. All the more reason to spend more time in meditation and prayer.


Today is Thursday, Day 128 in Bahrain’s coronavirus time, day 93 of The Isolation Journals with Suleika Jaouad. Today’s prompt is by Suleika by way of Brian Blanchfield. She challenged us to “Look through your past journal entries. Without overthinking it, choose a sentence that intrigues you. Imagine a flashing cursor (or some annoyingly precocious four-year-old) at the end of it, asking why? Answer the question, then ask it again. Continue until you’ve gotten to the heart of the matter.”

Facing Challenge

What is the biggest challenge I am currently facing? 

I am not that far from retiring, but I don’t want to retire from everything. I want to make sure I don’t retire from seeking justice. I have spent too many years not fighting for justice. I don’t want to become an old woman. I want to be a vibrant, alive woman who speaks up against inequity, who demands changes in policing and politics, who goes to council meetings and expects members to mandate police wear body cameras, and more.

These phrases will become my mantras for my life. This is the start of the last chapter in my life where I become a better ancestor.

  • Silent no more
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Be not afraid
  • Be Antiracist
  • Be a better ancestor

The following image was the best thing I saw this week. It’s not about being either racist or not racist. Racism is in our roots and blood. Not everyone is guilty of horrifying and overt acts of racism, but we all positively live with the effects of it in our world. We can all point it out and help to dismantle it, making a new future.

Today is Wednesday, Day 127 in Bahrain’s coronavirus time, day 92 of The Isolation Journals with Suleika Jaouad. Today’s prompt is by Ethan Zohn: “Write about the biggest challenge you’re currently facing. Now think of a series of words, phrases or even part of a quote that have helped get you through some tough moments. Use those words to compose a mantra of your own. Chant it to yourself whenever you need it.”

Insights from Remote Learning

This post is week 3 of 8 in the #8WeeksofSummer Blog Challenge for educators.

What insights do I have about my students after remote learning? 

That is a question I have considered over the past few months. When thinking about the children I know. I have known them in the classroom in both kindergarten and grade 5, as I had the pleasure of teaching this same batch twice. I know them in person and now I know them in a different way too–how they were when learning at home.

I often thought about their teacher for next year, should we have to continue remote learning in the fall. He won’t know them like I know them.

He won’t know that the students whose work may seem comparatively mediocre are working on their own, empowered by their parents to be independent and responsible learners in their own right.

He actually won’t know the level of the students’ English language acquisition because their lessons have become a family affair, which I’m not saying is a bad thing. I’m just hoping that the students who are getting help at home are learning skills with their one-on-one familial tutors, lessons they may have missed over the years.

He won’t know which ones are getting bombarded with more than help from older siblings and parents, like excessive scaffolding on a building project on a sandy site. When the scaffolding gets taken away, there will be trouble if the builders haven’t drilled down to establish a strong foundation. He won’t really be able to recognize those students with shaky foundations who are getting disproportionate help on their online work.

For me, my insights are scattered. I have learned new things about my students since they started learning at home. Other insights on the more important human levels, I’ve sadly lost touch.

I have seen a whole spectrum of abilities and successes coming through in all these areas of remote learning:

  • Timeliness of turning in assignments
  • Engagement in opportunities afforded
  • Excellence in work produced
  • Understanding instructions
  • Creativity
  • Going above and beyond
  • Willingness to ignore lessons entirely

One of my big takeaways is that success in remote learning was not predictable at all based on their effort and the work they were doing in the classroom. Of course, some students were not a surprise. They were very similar to the students I had in person in the grade 5 classroom. However, there were many children who ended up on opposite ends of the spectrum of abilities and successes. These students learned and engaged on very different levels than they did in person–some rose to the occasion, others foundered.

I have learned insights about myself too. For instance, in how difficult one-way communication is. I would think I explained something one way on my video instructions until I saw  the assignments they turned in and say a big “Oops!” I missed being in the classroom, able to say, “Wait a minute! Let me explain this a different way before you continue.” I’ll save more on insights into myself for another post.

Perhaps the greatest insight I’ve learned is that children are complicated and full of different ways of being. We perhaps don’t know them as well as we think we do when we are with them for just a few hours a day. They are each valuable and multifaceted gems reflecting some light in school, but we don’t get to know them fully and see all their sides.

However, one thing I do know, it is certainly better to meet my students every day and get to see, know and experience their glinting brilliance in real life than remotely.