Poetry Friday – A Dying Joshua

Mary Lee Hahn at A(nother) Year of Reading is hosting the Poetry Friday roundup today. You can visit her post here and see how she has nailed down her National Poetry Month project (the cherita), is ready to start the Progressive Poem tomorrow, and is launching into more wonderfulness of NPM.

Recently I noticed a dying Joshua Tree in our yard. It wasn’t the dying of the tree that I noticed–I’ve seen this tree for years, and I knew it was dying. What struck me this time was the prominent bloom on top, one of the very first Joshua blossoms I’ve seen this spring. Here is my etheree in honor of this transforming tree.

A Dying Joshua

remains of this
Joshua tree are
not surrendering yet,
stretches, pulls up through dead wood
living crown blossom lifts upward
toward heaven, the life of the tree
persists with hope for another season

Happy Poetry Month! I wrote a poem about the National Poetry Month poster.

We were all meant for something










For something we were all meant


The Skinny is a poetry form created by Truth Thomas. Read more about the form here. 

It seems I just started a series by writing that Skinny poem, my second poetry month poster poem. Last year’s poster and poem:

There’s a poem in this place
and a hope for humanity
in the cleaving of brokenness
the loved become whole
in this place of poems

You are invited to join ETHICAL ELA’s April #Verselove, which starts tomorrow.


March 4 – Driving Nap

March 4, 2023 TwoWritingTeachers.org

On Friday, my daughter’s last day of her visit here, the roofers came early. They were walking around on our plywood roof doing last minute prep work before the new shingles could be added. It included pounding, sweeping, stomping, rolling, vacuuming, and lots of who-knows-what-in-the-heck-else. Then the forklift came and placed pallets of shingles up on the roof.

And then it was time for my sweet little grandson to take his morning nap.

A nap seemed unlikely to happen at home, so we left on a trip to Joshua Tree National Park.

It was a nap trip. (I think it was the first time I’ve ever gone through the park without stopping to get out of the car. Thank you, taxpayers and United States NPS, for the lifetime senior pass I am so blessed to have.) He slept for about 45 minutes, then we stopped for coffee in Twentynine Palms, and finally–home again. After that, it wasn’t long before I had to take them to the airport.

Meanwhile the pounding on the roof was continuing, and I was happy to get to miss it for a couple more hours.


I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for all of March. Thank you, Two Writing Teachers!