Nighttime Thoughts

Day 6

On Friday, Terje wrote about her dream of puffins and a conversation she had with her brain during the night. She wrote about it here on “Midnight Slice.” Terje had been inspired by Erika Victor and her post “In the Middle of the Night.”

Also on Friday, Kim Johnson wrote about her dream where she adopted a lioness. It includes an It’s a Small World-type ride. Read about it here at “Save the Lions!

Since I read these three nighttime slices yesterday, I find myself again inspired by this community for my next post today. I guess I was inspired for my sleep, as well, because I had one of those nights, a three-pee night as Erika called it.

Then at 4:37 a.m. I was lying awake already when the Fajar call to prayer began, which is shorter than the afternoon prayer calls, which I captured a portion of today around noon.

I usually sleep through it, since my Christian prayer life is much less devout than my Muslim brothers’ and sisters’.

A few minutes later I heard part 2 of the morning call from one of the mosques–perhaps it’s a repeat of something like “hurry to the prayer” or “prayer is better than sleep.” Maybe a sleepyhead, thrown in too (but I doubt that last one). I’m not sure because, of course, it is all in Arabic.

Anyway, if I’m awake with the call to prayer, there is about a 50/50 chance I’ll go back to sleep. Today my lists won the day, and I started the day early.

I keep a pad of paper and a pencil on my nightstand. After the call to prayer and the fact that I had been lying awake quite a while, I wrote a few more things on the second page of my pad of paper. It’s dark as mud in my room because we have black poster board in the windows, so I have to remember where on the paper I’ve written throughout the night. Sometimes folds in the paper help me with placement.

When I started writing “important” things like iron and clean, I tried to have a conversation with my brain, like Terje did yesterday.

Me: OK, time for sleeping another hour or two.

Brain: You should write “Clean the refrigerator.”

Me: Are you kidding? If I don’t do that job for the rest of my life, all will be well. Let me go to sleep.

Brain: OK. Here is one for your list. You need to change your blog settings so Glenda doesn’t have to stay in moderation jail every day.

Me: Yes, I know. OK. I will write that one.

Brain: But maybe you will need to try another theme.

Me: Now, go back to sleep. It’s Saturday. The first thing on my calendar is 11:00 a.m.

Brain: But what about that student who has missed two sociology classes? You need to email him right?

Me: Yes, I was supposed to do that.

Brain: Ah, Keith’s alarm is going off. It’s almost 5:30, go ahead and get up now.

Me: OK, already!

Part 2 of my nighttime list making


100 Things I’m Grateful For

Day 3

Today, I’m grateful for…

  1. my home
  2. my husband
  3. the joy I have when he comes home
  4. my daughters
  5. my sons-in-law
  6. the future
  7. Bahrain
  8. vaccines
  9. clean water
  10. wearing flip flops every day for a year
  11. surviving the last year
  12. gifts of the heart
  13. the healthy pizza I had for dinner
  14. Al Raja School
  15. good neighbors
  16. books to read
  17. more people forced to deal with the reality of white supremacy than the previous year
  18. being in a new civil rights chapter
  19. notebooks to jot in
  20. peace
  21. love
  22. joy
  23. patience
  24. kindness
  25. goodness
  26. gentleness
  27. faithfulness
  28. self-control
  29. and those who live in the fruit of the Spirit
  30. fancy car horns that make me smile
  31. calendars
  32. friends to drink tea with
  33. friends to write poetry with
  34. friends to blog with
  35. children’s laughter
  36. board games
  37. a cushy chair at my dining room table
  38. being able to teach part time and a variety of experiences this year
  39. retirement coming
  40. cookies
  41. ginger molasses cookies
  42. chocolate chip cookies
  43. chocolate crinkle cookies
  44. soft pumpkin cookies with cream cheese icing
  45. oatmeal raisin cookies
  46. Lent and how when it’s over I’ll eat cookies again
  47. Jesus
  48. Christians who act like Jesus
  49. rainbows
  50. crocheting
  51. creating
  52. call to prayer
  53. letters in the mail
  54. a clean page
  55. new earbuds
  56. smiling
  57. the paintings  around my apartment–
  58. the tropical flower my daughter painted in high school
  59. the Bahrain map
  60. the souq
  61. Rachel Maddow
  62. Kamala Harris
  63. Joe Biden
  64. wool, cotton and linen yarn
  65. my avocado sapling
  66. all my houseplants
  67. avocados
  68. sourdough
  69. kiwi
  70. navel oranges from Egypt
  71. Fuji apples
  72. karak tea
  73. electricity
  74. clean power
  75. reducing
  76. using up leftovers
  77. students who keep learning
  78. students who bring joy to teaching (Fran McCrackin’s sweet student yesterday)
  79. wind (Kevin’s poem “That Wind of Gust and Din” reminded me how I love a good wind storm)
  80. winds that don’t do damage
  81. Trevor Noah
  82. Hagar seeing the God who sees her
  83. Bartimaeus seeing more than the people around him
  84. my sisters and brothers
  85. my pressure cooker
  86. losing 30 pounds this year
  87. someday buying new clothes
  88. someday going to a party
  89. Special Olympics
  90. spelling bees
  91. mops to clean up spills
  92. the memory foam pad on my bed
  93. hard drives to share files and not have to upload for hours at a time
  94. fast Internet when I have it
  95. hearing so many different languages when I walk in my neighborhood
  96. tissues
  97. Fitbit
  98. church that can still meet online
  99. a future and a hope
  100. my home

Day 13 Slice of Life – A Friday of Rest

Today I needed a day to not work on videos or other school-related issues. Of course, I peeked at my email. If there had been an important/urgent one from a parent, I would have responded. However, I didn’t get any emails from parents or staff members. Hopefully they are all at home resting today too. They need it.

Here are some things I like to do for rest:

  • Write in my journal – Day 73 in #100DaysofNotebooking
  • Cook or bake – today it was making a huge pot of soup with a new recipe from Washington Post “Greek Lentil and Spinach Soup with Lemon
  • Learn a Bible story – today I’m working on Jesus’ resurrection
  • Read – today a few chapters in Joey Pigza Loses Control by Jack Gantos
  • Take a long walk – today to pick up an Ethernet-to-USB connector

That last one is so I can start working again tomorrow!

I still need practice at this resting thing.