sin límites
poetry and story
la poesía y la historia
no boundaries
sin límites
poetry and story
la poesía y la historia
no boundaries
I went to bed last night having recently read Glenda’s Tuesday post about war. Subsequently, I woke up a lot during the night praying for and thinking of the Ukrainians who are fighting for their homeland.
Resilient, proud
fighting for peace
freedom is sweet
Blooms for Russians?
send Molotov
cocktails instead
Brave president
Averts world war
battle alone
Chaos and dying
as world watches
on Instagram
This poetry form is a 4×4, inspired by the Tricube, with a variation on the Quatern form.
I’ve put in a lot of living and memories for March already, but sadly I forgot to slice about any of it yesterday. My brother and sister-in-law came to help us as we painted our living room and removed two stubborn air conditioner units out of windows. After they left we continued painting, almost finishing.
Later my sister stopped by with some delicious chicken enchiladas for a well-earned meal. We went shopping for a few housing needs. Then fell into a deep sleep.
This morning we got up and finished one more coat of paint on two walls before the Heating and Air Conditioning workers descended! They are still here putting in H-vac units (I have no idea what that means, but it’s what everyone calls them!)
March is going to be a housing improvement month, and it has started off with a bang. I’m motivated to continue the much-needed work!
Here are a few pictures from my last two days…
The living room was all paneling like the room on the right, but we brightened it up.
I got scared for them and stopped filming. However, they flung it up there like nothing.
Though I’m planning a lot of home improvement type work in March, I am also thrilled to be writing again with this community!