March 3 – Adiós – MultiFri

March 3, 2023

Yo he escribido dos otras entrada de blogs in español (aquí y aquí). Ahora han pasado dos anos, y no he escribido en español otra vez hasta hoy. He estudiado por 606 dias ahora. Creo que he mejorado.

Escribí una poema de mi nieto. Él está visitando esta semana, pero él se va mañana.


Ay, mi nieto

precioso, hoy no quiero

decirte adiós


I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for all of March. Thank you, Two Writing Teachers! On Fridays, slicers are invited to write in another language if they wish. That’s today: #MultiFri


7 thoughts on “March 3 – Adiós – MultiFri

  1. Denise, this is also something I would love to be able to learn and do. Looks like you’re excelling with the language.

  2. I am so impressed! And, painfully aware of my lack of skill with the Spanish language. Bravo, Denise!

  3. You’ve used your 606 days well! I am also studying Spanish and while I couldnt compose in it, I was proud that I could read your piece. And I feel the same way about my granddaughter- sweet poem! Good on you for using your new language on MultiFri.

  4. Que precioso, Denise! Felicidades on your third post in Spanish y mil abrazos a su nieto 🙂

  5. Denise,
    I understood some of this but not all, and as I read I thought about how I’d need ChatGPT to write a post in another language and google translate to read one, do unless I have an established relationship w/ a fellow blogger, I skip the multi-lit Friday posts. I’m too lazy these days to figure them out.

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